We honor your choice to be part of the DICOTA family! 

Your membership gives you an array of exclusive benefits for social networking, achieving community camaraderie, information aneducation enrichment, and product/services discounts, among others. Our benefits span US and Tanzania, and it will keep growing.


As a member of DICOTA, you benefit from,

  1. Being part of,  and connecting with, our growing Tanzania diaspora family.
  2. Discounts from corporate partners for services or products. Click here to access perks and discounts.
  3. Access to curated information and communication useful for a successful diaspora living.
  4. Access to social interest groups, including the DICOTA Walk/Run group, DICOTA Investors (coming soon), DICOTA Parents group (coming soon), DICOTA youth (coming soon), and many others.
  5. Free access to paid webinars (coming soon).
  6. Reduced price to register to attend the DICOTA Convention.
  7. Help to facilitate linkages and troubleshooting with private and public institutions in Tanzania.
  8. Vote to elect the members of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee.
  9. Vote on the organization’s By-Law amendments.

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